Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Challenge for All

 Find different ways to express 30 as the sum of two or more consecutive integers. Explain how you found your solution. How many solutions can you find?

Grade 11 Questions on "Imaginary" Number graphing

Hi people!

This site I am going to post contains a LOT of information on Complex numbers. Complex numbers are in the form of a real and a complex number (2+2i). "i" stands for the square root of -1. So (2+2i) is like saying (2+sqrt(-4)) or (2+2*sqrt(-1))... Sorry I don't have the symbols for radicals on this blog site. Check it out. Use Wikipedia if necessary!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Challenge Problem to Try

For all who are feeling brave! 

1. When I sum five numbers in every possible pair combination, I get the values: 0,1,2,4,7,8,9,10,11,12.  What are the original 5 numbers?

2. When I sum a different set of five numbers in every possible group of 3, I get the values: 0,3,4,8,9,10,11,12,14,19.  What are the original 5 numbers?

Monday, September 26, 2011

For Grade 10 Number Types Review

Here are a few links with more details on the Number Types (e.g. Reals, Natural Numbers, Rationals, Irrationals, etc.) as well as information on the irrational number "e".

Explore the site for more information on each type of number!

"e" Euler's Number

For Grade 11 Functions Unit: Intro to Notation

I wanted to share with you an interesting link/explanation on function notation. This includes why we have it, and how it extends to other subjects like science. We will briefly go over it tomorrow, but you will see that this link provides a much more detailed synopsis. 

Hi All!

Welcome to my new blog, my first blog ever, which I have created in order to provide you with resources that have the potential to help you with your math learning this year. 

We live in such an online connected world, so why not make best use of it? There are so many resources available that can help clarify your questions beyond what I can provide in a class period, so make best use of the internet. It's a fantastic resource! I will help!